jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014


 Aquesta és una cançó que  sempre tinc pendent de traduir.-

Segurament  perque en el  fons  no  ho vull fer-ho.

És una de les cançons més tristes  que  he escoltat mai  i la canto sempre  i ben alt quan estic  xof.

Avui era un dia  d´aquests. 

Quan  he acabat el dia m´he preguntat; Quantes coses  has  fet  avui  per amor  ?

I la  resposta sempre auto-crítica , seriosa, objectiva i  meditada( així em va !)  és sempre la  mateixa: 

Unes quantes  Bagué, unes quantes....

"sing along with me boys!"


Well I felt like I was born today
So I took it upon me to go away
To gather my thoughts and go away
Where I could
(Be used by)

Now over the hill, like always you know
Were Billy and Frankie and Henry and Joe
And they beat and broke me hard and slow
To prove I was nobody

And no one I was and so I remained
Knocked-out in a hut, no mother, no name
And filled up my heart with one and the same
That grand dark feeling of emptiness

And was it a friend that turned me loose?
Or was it a girl come to baste my goose?
Or was it my great god who laid on his finger
And started my clock anew?

Ah no, it was rain
Ah no, it was gunning
It was point break and buckle
And singing and cunning
That skinned me, re-skinned me
And started me running

And I never looked back from then on

And now I am learning bit by bit
About to make and model shit
The muddy bowl I live in it

And all the mucks that tire us
And I'm feared if I don't have
A piglet, lamb, or little calf
I'll chop my humanness in half
And be as worm or virus

But kids I've had and they are sung
Upon folks ears my babes are hung
Rhythmically they live among
And grow but don't get old
Not in a box, not in a void

Not if their voice is never heard

Nor if no one repeats a word
But if their tune is told
Then we can age and fall away
To meet again some golden day
And fill it in our happy way
In starlight and in gold

Read more: Bonnie Prince Billy - Grand Dark Feeling Of Emptiness Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

1 comentario:

  1. Per molt trist que sigui el dia si has fet unes quantes coses per amor ja val la pena haver-lo viscut. Un petó!
