Ummm, m´agrada... Després un poso el 16 maybe less amb la lletra original.
En Franzen no em deixa tant de temps per traduir cançons
Una història d´amants
Louise només va tenir de mi una innocent poesia
encara que ella jugava a no escoltar
Però encara puc sentir-me parlar
com si mai ningú hagués ofert el mateix.
Alguns diuen que ella m´assaboria
encara que ella jugava a no escoltar
Però encara puc sentir-me parlar
com si mai ningú hagués ofert el mateix.
Alguns diuen que ella m´assaboria
expressament com si fos una recepta de cuina
Encara que fos un idiota servicial
Vaig dir: nena puc pintar com et doblegues
Com si volguessis fer una reverència
Quan s´abaixa el teló
Mima alguns homes, ells et recordaran amargament
Que els follin, ells tornaran per més
Li vaig preguntar a Lousie si em deixaria molt cardat
Aleshores van trucar a la porta
He vingut per la meva dona!Va venir amb una fulla d´afaitar
Atrapat com tots nosaltres per l´oceà.
Desitjo que sigui feliç. Sóc culpable de la mort
D´un home que me la voler prendre
Alguns van veure en mi una innnocent poesia
Alguns, alguns diuen que mai estaran segurs
Però encara que estigui escrita, una història d´amants
Ha estat donada i presa en tinta
Mima alguns homes, ells et recordaran dignament
Talla´ls; ells tornaran per més
Li vaig preguntar a Lousie si em deixaria molt cardat
Aleshores van trucar a la porta
Louise va venir a rescatar-me, perdent la ironia
La sang va fer que el seu cor canviés de batec
Desitjo que sigui felic: Sóc culpable de la mort
D´un home que ella va trobar que era millor que jo
Beyond the ridge to the left
You asked me what I want
Between the trees and cicadas
Singing round the pond
I spent an hour with you
Should I want anything else?
One grin and wink
Like the neon on a liquor store
We were 16, maybe less
Maybe a little more
I walked home smiling
I finally had a story to tell
And now in autumn time, lullaby
Sing our newborn love to sleep
My brother told me he saw you there
You asked me what I want
Between the trees and cicadas
Singing round the pond
I spent an hour with you
Should I want anything else?
One grin and wink
Like the neon on a liquor store
We were 16, maybe less
Maybe a little more
I walked home smiling
I finally had a story to tell
And now in autumn time, lullaby
Sing our newborn love to sleep
My brother told me he saw you there
In the woods, morning on Christmas Eve
I met my wife at a party
When I drank too much
My son is married
And tells me we don't talk enough
Call it predictable
Yesterday my dream was of you
Beyond the ridge to the west
The sun had left the sky
Between the trees and the pond
You put your hand in mine
Said time has bridled it's bow
But I remember you too
And now in autumn time, lullaby
Sing our newborn love to sleep
I dreamed that I traveled and found you there
In the woods, morning on Christmas Eve
I met my wife at a party
When I drank too much
My son is married
And tells me we don't talk enough
Call it predictable
Yesterday my dream was of you
Beyond the ridge to the west
The sun had left the sky
Between the trees and the pond
You put your hand in mine
Said time has bridled it's bow
But I remember you too
And now in autumn time, lullaby
Sing our newborn love to sleep
I dreamed that I traveled and found you there
In the woods, morning on Christmas Eve
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