jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Grace Potter-Medicine

Abans de  res agrair-vos de tot cor els vostres comentaris. Si, aquells comentaris que no contesto.

No és que  sigui un maleducat. Simplement  no  tinc temps  i no us mereixeu que us contesti parides.

No obstant no digui res us llegeixo a tots i a totes però nois, no puc arribar a tot arreu.

Repeteixo.- Gràcies per ser-hi.

Avui estic especialment content perque tornem a tenir a la Sílvia entre nosaltres. Ella ens dóna moltes  coses i molt bones.. però intentar-ho fer-ho  massa bé  també esgota( pstt i fer massa cas als altres  també però juraré que no ho he dit...).  

Jo sé que en el fons és moltes més coses que una escriptora brillant.- Es  una bona tia i una gran catxonda ...

Aquesta  vegada seré jo, el menda lerenda, qui li donarà( a ella i a tots vosaltres) tres minutets de diversió  perque  estic content i perque em dóna la gana

Ladies & gentlemen ( sobretot les ladies) : let´s dance!

Policy woman got a hold on my baby
Since she come around, he ain't been the same
She look at him with her dark brown eyes
She tell him things that would make a grown man cry

Policy woman took the love from my lover
He's been in a haze since the day that he saw her
She shook her hips and her long black hair
Now all my baby does is stare at the gypsy woman

You like the way she makes you feel
She got you spinning on her medicine wheel
She's crossing me with magnetic sand
She hypnotize with her mojo hand

She got the medicine that everybody wants
She got the medicine that everybody wants

Policy woman came a rolling into town
She got all the gentlemen to follow her down
She found the diamonds hidden in the drain
She disappeared on the ghost train
You like the way that she makes you feel<
She got you spinning on her policy wheel
Deep in the night, when no one's around
I've got a plan to take that woman down

She got the medicine that everybody wants
She got the medicine that everybody wants

I stole her bag of rattling bones
Her fast-luck oil and her magic stones
I swept up her magnetic sand
I took her love potion and her mojo hand, now

I got the medicine that everybody wants
 I got the medicine that everybody wants

5 comentarios:

  1. Jo també estic contenta de tornar a llegir la Sílvia... i a tu també.

  2. Gràcies per la medicina, Bagué! I per les teves paraules, que curen i espanten el mal temps.

  3. Llegir-te sempre és bo. La Sílvia és com una pluja de primavera.

    Contenta de tornar-vos a tenir!

  4. Gràcies a tu, Enric i gràcies a na Sívia !
    Als dos, per fer d'aquests minuts tot un plaer.

    Bon cap de setmana...bessets!!
