Estic particularment
content. No és que les coses siguin totes fantàstiques i
perfectes, que afortunadament no ho són, si no perque ara em
sento ubicat . Sé on sóc , amb qui estic i amb qui puc comptar,
que ja és molt.
Utilitzant un símil
geogràfic us faig un resum:
L´economia de la meva família sempre es mourà en les terres
baixes a l´igual que la dels meus pares i la de les meves germanes.
Però en el nivell que
estem no és que no ens falti de res, és que simplement no
necessitem res més. Sempre ens hem apanyat amb el que hem tingut,
no hem sigut uns ganes i sempre ens hem fixat de que n´hi havien
de molt pitjors.
Per la meva feina he
conegut i conec a gent molt rica i us prometo que no per més tenir
els trobo més feliços.
La nova feina va bé. Com us deia estic ubicat.,-
Això vol dir que ja no
em crec que venia de la millor Notaria de Barcelona( perque això
és mentida) ni que he anat a parar a un paradís inigualable, que
tampoc és veritat.
Però el que si que és
cert és que vinc d´un cadàver que va esgotant els recursos dels
temps passats, que viu i arrastra masses lloses i que aquestes
lloses a mi ja em pesaven molt .
Sortir d´allà m´ha fet
agafar perspectiva i auto crítica de la realitat. Jo també vaig ser
un capullo que em vaig creure més bo del que realment era.
I on estic ara és una
incògnita però una incògnita jove i amb ganes de fer-ho bé i
tirar endavant. Ens fotrem les hòsties que s´hagi de fotre
qualsevol projecte jove per madurar però no és aquell monstre
patós i carrincló d´on venia.
Entre tots i a poc a
poc anirem posant a punt la màquina per créixer i progressar
La base la tenim: Tots
els que estem a dintre som bones persones i això no ho pot dir
Però el meu cor està en el cim . De subidon total.- En aquests
mesos complicats i durs per mi m´he sentit la persona més
estimada del món.
No cal dir el seu nom
perque cap d´ells vol cap reconeixement, ni publicitat, ni que li
dorin la píldora, ni ser la referència de res més que la única
cosa que importa, el carinyo, l´estimació....
Han fet per mi el que
saben exactament faré jo per ells quan calgui.
Res de parauletes … Fem
tantes adaptacions per “quedar bé” que ens buidem de contingut.
Un ha de prendre partit
per allò que estima, arremangar-se, i amb pit i collons tirar
Se m´omple la boca al
dir que tinc al puto dream team al meu costat...
Com bon Bagué, a qui
agrada manar, ja he encarregat a Prada que munti una festa per
anar a ballar. Tinc unes ganes boges de fer el ridicul com Déu
mana enmig d´una pista
I per anar fent boca
dues peces noves com la brandada de bacallà:
La primera una cançó
d´una canadenca francòfona , la Pascale Picard, de la que us
recomano l´últim disc.- Es boníssim i cap cançó té desperdici.
A mi em mola quan diu que en qüestions de l´amor “ I´M A
NINJA”... JAJAJA que bona la tia-.
I la segona és de la
meva heroïna iralndesa que acaba de treure un altre disc , la
gran IMELDA MAY que aquests dies publica el seu TRIBAL
El video és
divertidissim i la cançó molt xula. Em recorda a mi aquest matí
que he passat com un novato pinxo de cuina al costat de la Sílvia fent una cosa de la meva feina que no tenia ni puta idea de com anava.( la mare que va parir a l´Index)
No eres el millor Bagué? Com deia el gran Sheldon Cooper " ZAS EN TODA LA BOCA". Gràcies pel teu exemple. Tu si que saps posar-te els manguitos.
Lo dicho. LET´S DANCE
me,punch me
Throw me away
It’s gonna pump back
Shut me up in a bull’s eye
Anything that helps
Use me accuse me,throw me away,babe
I’m not giving up on you
Leave me to get you straight back
Anything that helps
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can
I love you as much as I can love
But it might not be enough
Cry on that’s happened every night
You’re going through a hard time
Blame me if you can’t blame yourself
Anything that helps
It takes one to know it
But it takes 2 people to fight
It means that you’re fussin’ back
Anything that helps
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can
I give it all I got
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can bare it
I love you as much as I can love
But it might not be enough
Anything that helps
Anything that helps
If it helps,run away from yourself
Punch me,push me ,throw me away,baby
But I’m a ninja
Hit me until your fuss swings back
Or if I turn ... back
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can
I love you as much as I can love
I’m gonna hold on to you
Until you give up yourself
And there is nothing left to hold on to
But it might not be enough
Anything that helps
But please take care of yourself
Anything that helps
Anything that helps
If it helps,run away from yourself
Throw me away
It’s gonna pump back
Shut me up in a bull’s eye
Anything that helps
Use me accuse me,throw me away,babe
I’m not giving up on you
Leave me to get you straight back
Anything that helps
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can
I love you as much as I can love
But it might not be enough
Cry on that’s happened every night
You’re going through a hard time
Blame me if you can’t blame yourself
Anything that helps
It takes one to know it
But it takes 2 people to fight
It means that you’re fussin’ back
Anything that helps
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can
I give it all I got
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can bare it
I love you as much as I can love
But it might not be enough
Anything that helps
Anything that helps
If it helps,run away from yourself
Punch me,push me ,throw me away,baby
But I’m a ninja
Hit me until your fuss swings back
Or if I turn ... back
I got to hold on to you
As long as I can
I love you as much as I can love
I’m gonna hold on to you
Until you give up yourself
And there is nothing left to hold on to
But it might not be enough
Anything that helps
But please take care of yourself
Anything that helps
Anything that helps
If it helps,run away from yourself
Good To Be Alive Songtext My
thoughts are dark and empty
I'm not crying out loud
Don't know what am I asking for
If an answer can be found
The loneliness is killing
Though there's someone in my bed
There's only so much living
That I fear I could be dead
But then standing at my window when
The night seems like it's won
And everything seems brighter
With the sign of the sun
And I said
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
Lying in my bedroom
My eyes are wide awake
My body's tired and given up
Oh, for heaven's sake
Won't you please send me a little sleep
To ease my worried mind
I'm losing rationality
That I won't know how to find
But then standing at my window when
The night seems like it's won
And everything seems brighter
With the sign of the sun
And I said
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
Things are looking up for me
When the clock keeps ticking on
Holding on to time gone by
Clinging to a song
To pull me through with every word
Or rock me with a tune
And hold my hand with the shadow man
Who's hiding in my room
But then standing at my window when
The night seems like it's won
And everything seems brighter
With the sign of the sun
And I said
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
I'm not crying out loud
Don't know what am I asking for
If an answer can be found
The loneliness is killing
Though there's someone in my bed
There's only so much living
That I fear I could be dead
But then standing at my window when
The night seems like it's won
And everything seems brighter
With the sign of the sun
And I said
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
Lying in my bedroom
My eyes are wide awake
My body's tired and given up
Oh, for heaven's sake
Won't you please send me a little sleep
To ease my worried mind
I'm losing rationality
That I won't know how to find
But then standing at my window when
The night seems like it's won
And everything seems brighter
With the sign of the sun
And I said
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
Things are looking up for me
When the clock keeps ticking on
Holding on to time gone by
Clinging to a song
To pull me through with every word
Or rock me with a tune
And hold my hand with the shadow man
Who's hiding in my room
But then standing at my window when
The night seems like it's won
And everything seems brighter
With the sign of the sun
And I said
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
Oh my God, it's good to be alive
I know one thing for sure is that I'll die
But today, yeah, it's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
Vinga Bagué!!!! pit i collons!!! i tirar palante que patras ya dolio bastante com diu la Bebe amb una canço.... i habiam si amb una miqueta de sort s'obliden de tú !!!!
ResponderEliminarEnhorabona Bague , benvingut al mon terrestre. Desgraciadament vivim en un mon en el que hi ha molt de mediocres. Jo que he pasat el desert sense aigua varies vegades vull dirte que el sentit de la vida esta en valorar les petites coses i donar importància a lo que realment val la pena ...
ResponderEliminarEn la teva nova etapa et desitjo molts d'èxits. Una abraçada . Xavi Costa i familia.
Eres una persona afortunada y lo sabes !! Tienes una familia estupenda, unos amigos que siempre estarán contigo, salud y trabajo. ¿Que más se puede pedir a la vida? Si eso no es suerte, muchos la quisieran.
ResponderEliminarTienes todos los ingredientes para ser feliz!! Aprovecha esta oportunidad y sé feliz.
Te lo desea de corazón una familia que se considera también muy pero que muy afortunada.
Tomás y Lidia