Avui no toca cap traducció. Avui toca cantar…
De fet, quan m´he
aixecat pel matí amb una bata i unes
sabatilles moníssimes , les dues de vaquetes (per circumstàncies que no cal explicar aquí), m´he dit: Bagué, mira que estàs bé!
No parlava ni d´Adonis
ni d´Apolo( ho podria haver fet però el
mirall s´ha descollonat de riure i he
Parlava d´una
sensació de tenir totes les coses al seu
lloc, de no tenir que anar darrera de
res ni de ningú. Estant de puta mare quan estàs sol i estant
immillorablement bé quan estic
acompanyat de la gent que estimo, d´una o altra manera.
I m´ha vingut al
cap aquesta cançó del grandíssim Josh Rouse a qui ja he vist en directe un parell de vegades i a qui us recomano a ulls clucs.
Escolteu-la i si voleu
canteu-la amb mi ¡!!.Ja veureu com us deixa un bon rotllo en el cos ….
I sobretot penseu que ,
en el fons, si feu el que sentiu i si el
que sentiu no té barreres, no dependreu
de res ni de ningú per ser qui sou
Petons per elles i
encaixades per ells. Bon cap de setmana!
Can you guess how much one
man can sit and drink in one night?
But don't look so surprised
Because this is a world where no one feels sorry for you, man
In my drunken state I claim that
I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, that was a bad time
I was on the ground crawling on all fours
Woke up the next day and I didn't feel so good
I don't know why I do this to myself
Pack up the car and put me in a hospital bed
Because I need some help to change
And I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, that was a bad time
I was on the ground crawling on all fours
Yeah I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, I got a bad time
But I'll be coming around knocking on your door
There were far too many lies
I was way out of line
This silly little boy, such a shame
I hope you're happy about the way that things worked out for me
Cause I feel better now, yeah I'm much happier now
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah
There were far too many lies
I was way out of line
This silly little boy, such a shame
And I hope you're happy about the way that things worked out for me
Cause I feel better now, yeah I'm much happier now
And I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, that was a bad time
I was on the ground crawling on all fours
Yeah I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, I got a bad time
But I'll be coming around knocking on your door
I'll be coming around knocking on your door
I'll be coming around crawling on all fours
But don't look so surprised
Because this is a world where no one feels sorry for you, man
In my drunken state I claim that
I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, that was a bad time
I was on the ground crawling on all fours
Woke up the next day and I didn't feel so good
I don't know why I do this to myself
Pack up the car and put me in a hospital bed
Because I need some help to change
And I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, that was a bad time
I was on the ground crawling on all fours
Yeah I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, I got a bad time
But I'll be coming around knocking on your door
There were far too many lies
I was way out of line
This silly little boy, such a shame
I hope you're happy about the way that things worked out for me
Cause I feel better now, yeah I'm much happier now
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaaah
There were far too many lies
I was way out of line
This silly little boy, such a shame
And I hope you're happy about the way that things worked out for me
Cause I feel better now, yeah I'm much happier now
And I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, that was a bad time
I was on the ground crawling on all fours
Yeah I'm giving it up for good
Gotta tell you dear, I got a bad time
But I'll be coming around knocking on your door
I'll be coming around knocking on your door
I'll be coming around crawling on all fours
Ets el puto rei, bagué! Jo de gran vull ser com tu, i em demano unes sabatilles com les teves. Vaig a cantar fins a quedar-me afònica ;)
ResponderEliminarEi babe, canta fins dir prou i si a sobre la balles ja serà l´hòstia.
EliminarEts un encant.. i deien que eres tòxica????
(Pedorreta sonora....) Que el bombin!
decía un cuento que para poder llenarse de cosas buenas primero hay que vaciarse completamente, si no fuera por los momentos de bajón no podríamos llenarnos de esa energía vital, de autoconfianza y seguridad en uno mismo.
ResponderEliminarYo que padezco de altibajos emocionales a menudo sé de lo importante que son las zapatillas que ladran, que mujen, incluso de las que resultan de una talla mucho menor que la necesaria pero hasta entonces sentirse geysa pues tiene su aquel.
Feliz fin de semana.
Al ser básicamente emocionales los altibajos están en nuestro ADN.
EliminarLo que ocurre es que con los años( estupenda madurez) he aprendido a que cuando estás bien aprovecharlo a tope, porque para entristecernos siempre estamos a tiempo.
Además, que lo sepas, las zapatillas me quedaban de cojones....
Un besazo antológico para enmarcar....
Bagué, Bagué, si que n'estàs de bé...
ResponderEliminar... que gairebé fas enveja i tot!!!
Si això ha d'ajudar jo també em compro sabatilles de vaques!
Bon cap de setmana, Bagué, ets un crack!
és que sóc un bon aprenent de les meves ídols(jejeje)!!!
EliminarNena, no em puc treure el teu poema d´ahir del cap... boníssim
Eiii, aquesta cançó l'he sentit jo abans... ara l'he escoltat better & happier :D
ResponderEliminarEstic amb la Carme, d'on has tret aquestes sabatilles?!
Saps... en Jinks és, en el fons, un gran pallasso i li encanta sentir-se ridícul i riure sol.
EliminarPd.- les sabatilles i la bata són el meu gran secret! jajaja
Estic d'acord que la Sílvia és un encant, i tu també!
ResponderEliminardonç ja en som tres!
EliminarEnric, estic tan contenta de llegir un posts tan optimista com el teu!
ResponderEliminarI m'han alegro tant de que et sentis tan bé!
Però no em vas enveja. Jo també estic estupendament! :D
hem d´aprofitar els bons moments Glòria!
EliminarQuin cap de setmana nin que has tingut amb aquesta actitud!! Quina enveja!!...
ResponderEliminari dius per a quan la fotito amb la bateta i les sabatilles?? ;)
Ballem i cantem!!
Si reina he passat un bon cap de setmana...
ResponderEliminarla foto?... ejem... quan arribi Carnestoltes....
però guapo si que estava si...
N' estic segura!! ;)