martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Arthur Beatrice-LATE

Ja us vaig avançar que aquests britànics prometien... el seu Cd de debut és una passada.

Aquesta cançó és un repte del que he dessistit. No en sé tant i m´he petrificat ja a la primera estrofa.

De tant en tant les coses ens  han de posar al lloc on  ens pertoca, ser humils i dir nois, fins aquí no arribo.

Amb una mica més de  ritme que els Rhye  fan un ús molt elegant i sensual de les bases electròniques i els  textes són currats( joder si ho són)

Comença la temporada del luxe...  

For the piece we were leaning for
Then have all in life, that's what we knew no more
We need to know no more
And I'm a stone that you will shaking out
Come upon to form a face so proud
For only inside round

Hold a reason nothing that you say seams right

Hold a feeling, hit then he lost real despite
New meaning, never gonna get this right

They hunt on how 'so clear
And now you just fall bright in me
Or for the trapping
I'm make with 'with demons to feed it,
That's a finely fine
Believe the warning call

Hold a reason nothing that you say seams right
Hold a feeling, hit then he lost real despite
New meaning, never gonna get this right

Hold a reason nothing that you say seams right
Hold a feeling, hit then he lost real despite
New meaning, never gonna get this right

Although I'm feeling nothing to, beating every part of you
Ooh, if I know I'd know I feel such remove
You'll be training and I'd look for you

Although I'm saying what I do
Will never be enough for you
Ooh I could be someone in dawn
And be driving or far from you pose

Hold a reason nothing that you say seams right
Hold a feeling, hit then he lost real despite
New meaning, never gonna get this right

Hold a reason nothing that you say seams right
Hold a feeling, hit then he lost real despite
New meaning, never gonna get this right

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