viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013


Dos plats forts abans de les meves vacances amb el meu col.lega Tom Frost.
Sempre torno a Dylan . És dels pocs que em diu: vas bé nano, vas bé.....

Com diu el mestre:

Gentlemen, he said I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes
I've moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.


Tweeter and the Monkey Man were hard up for cash
They stayed up all night selling cocaine and hash
To an undercover cop who had a sister named Jan
For reasons unexplained she loved the Monkey Man

Tweeter was a boy scout course he went to Vietnam
And found out the hard way, nobody gives a damn
They knew that they found freedom just across the Jersey line
So they hopped into a stolen car, took Highway 99

And the walls came down
All the way to hell
Never saw them when they're standing
Never saw them when they fell

The undercover cop never liked the Monkey Man
Even back in childhood he wanted to see him in the can
Jan got married at fourteen to a racketeer named Bill
She mad secret calls to the Monkey Man from a mansion on the hill

It was out on Thunder Road, Tweeter at the wheel
They crashed into paradise, they could hear them tires squeal
The undercover cop pulled up and said "Everyone of you's a liar
If you don't surrender now it's gonna go down the wire"

And the walls came down
All the way to hell
Never saw them when they're standing
Never saw them when they fell

An ambulance rolled up, a state-trooper close behind
Tweeter took his gun away and messed up his mind
The undercover cop was left tied up to a tree
Near the souvenir stand, by the old abandoned factory
Next day the undercover cop was hot in pursuit
He was taking the whole thing personal, he did'nt care about the loot
Jan had told him many times "It was you to me who taught
In Jersey anythings legal, as long as you don't get caught"

And the walls came down
All the way to hell
Never saw them when they're standing
Never saw them when they fell

Some place by Rahwey Prison they ran out of gas
The undercover cop had cornered the, said
"Boy you didn't think this could last?"
Jan jumped out of bed, said, "There's someplace I gotta go"
She took the gun out of the drawer, said, "It's best that you don't know"

The undercover cop was found face down in a field
The Monkey Man was on the river bridge, using Tweeter as a shield
Jan said to the Monkey Man "I'm not fooled by Tweeter's curl
I knew him long before he became a Jersey Girl"

And the walls came down
All the way to hell
Never saw them when they're standing
Never saw them when they fell

Now the town of Jersey City is quieting down again
I'm sitting in a gambling club called the Lion's Den
The TV set was blown up, every bit of it is gone
Ever since the nightly news showed that the Monkey Man was on

I guess I'll go to Florida and get myself some sun
There aint no more opportunity here, everything's been done
Sometimes I think of Tweeter, sometimes I think of Jan
Sometimes I don't think about nothing but the Monkey Man

And the walls came down
All the way to hell
Never saw them when they're standing
Never saw them when they fell

CANVI DE GUÀRDIA( Changing of the guards)

Setze anys.
Setze banderes unides en el camp de batalla
on el bon pastor es lamenta.
Homes desesperats,
dones desesperades dividides
que estenen les seves ales
sota les fulles caigudes dels arbres.

La fortuna ens crida.
Vaig fer una passa al front.
Venia de les ombres
i anava cap a la Plaça del Mercat
on vaig trobar-me lladres
i mercaders afamats de poder.
El meu últim negoci va fracassar.
Ella olora dolça
com els prats que la van veure néixer
el día de la revetlla de Sant Joan,
molt a prop de la torre.

Aquesta lluna de sang freda.
El capità espera fora de la festa.
Envia els seus pensaments a la seva estimada doncella
amb el seu rostre de banús
que està més enllà del que pot transmetre.
El capità està abatut però encara pensa
que el seu amor podrà ser restituït.

I a ella li van afaitar el cap.
Va ser destripada enmig de Júpiter i Apol.lo.
Un missatger va arribar.
Portava un russinyol negre .
La vaig veure a les escales
i no vaig poder evitar seguir-la,
seguir-la fins passada la font
on ells li van treure el vel -

Em vaig entrebancar amb els meus peus.
Vaig cavalcar deixant enrere
la destrucció de les trinxeres.
Tenia els punts en carn viva curant-se
sota un tatuatge en forma de cor.
Capellans renegats
i joves i pèrfides bruixes
estan repartint les flors
que jo et vaig portar.

El palau dels grans miralls
on els gossos soldats queden reflectits.
El camí no té cap final.
Sento el repicar de les campanes.
Les habitacions buïdes
on el seu record
queda protegit
On les veus dels àngels parlen
a les ànimes dels temps antics.

Ella el desperta,
quaranta-vuit hores després
quan el sol encara està sortint
a prop de cadenes trencades,
llor de muntanya
i roques que roden.
Ella implora saber
quines mesures pendrà el capità.
Ell la tira al terra
mentre ella s´aferra
als seus llargs i daurats rínxols.

Ell va dir:
Senyors meus: No necessito
la seva organització.
He enllustrat les seves sabates.
He mogut les seves muntanyes.
He marcat les seves cartes.
Però Senyors …
el Paradís està cremant.
O estan preparats per l´aniquil.lació
o els seus cors
hauran de tenir el coratge
per afrontar
el canvi de guàrdia.

I aleshores la Pau arribarà
amb tota la calma i esplendor
muntada en carros de foc.
Però no portarà cap recompensa
quan caiguin els seus falsos ídols
i la mort cruel es rendeixi
amb el seu pàl.lid fantasma
entre el Rei i la Reina d´Espases

Sixteen years
Sixteen banners united over the field
Where the good shepherd grieves
Desperate men, desperate women divided
Spreading their wings 'neath falling leaves.

Fortune calls
I stepped forth from the shadows to the marketplace
Merchants and thieves, hungry for power, my last deal gone down
She's smelling sweet like the meadows where she was born
On midsummer's eve near the tower.

The cold-blooded moon
The captain waits above the celebration
Sending his thoughts to a beloved maid
Whose ebony face is beyond communication
The captain is down but still believing that his love will be repaid.

They shaved her head
She was torn between Jupiter and Apollo
A messenger arrived with a black nightingale
I seen her on the stairs and I couldn't help but follow
Follow her down past the fountain where they lifted her veil.

I stumbled to my feet
I rode past destruction in the ditches
With the stitches still mending beneath a heart-shaped tattoo
Renegade priests and treacherous young witches
Were handing out the flowers that I'd given to you.

The palace of mirrors
Where dog soldiers are reflected
The endless road and the wailing of chimes
The empty rooms where her memory is protected
Where the angel's voices whisper to the souls of previous times.

She wakes him up
Forty-eight hours later the sun is breaking
Near broken chains, mountain laurel and rolling rocks
She's begging to know what measures he now will be taking
He's pulling her down and she's clutching on to his long golden locks.
Gentlemen, he said I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes
I've moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.

Peace will come
With tranquillity and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will bring us no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with it's pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords.

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