Un núvol amb forma
Adéu amor meu. Estic
tancant els meus ulls
A la llarga, deixaràs
anar aquesta mà tan freda
Aquesta cadena que envolta
el teu coll
ha de carregar la meva
Però puc sentir el teu
cor bategant
contra el meu propi cor .
Aquest vel amagarà la
meva veu de tu
i no estic segura de com
podré parlar amb tu
però has de saber que
quan estiguis estirat dormint
jo t´estaré explicant
les meves veritats.
Estigues sempre a prop
No sé on aniré
però sempre t´explicaré
les meves històries.
En aquest oceà estic
dins d´una onada que m´allunya de tu
però sé que un dia ens
arribarem a trobar.
Resaré perque arribi
aquesta petita onada
T´oblidaràs de la meva
cara fins i tot
encara que t´esforcis
tancant els ulls
He anat de la pell cap a
la terra,
de la terra cap a l´arbre
sempre contra el cel.
Les tempestes poden fer
mal a la nostra flor.
Així que cridarem que
vingui el sol
i encara que encara plogui
a bots i a barrals
Nosaltres sabem que
sempre arribaràs
a l´hora justa
Oh,...és dificil veure
allò que realment importa
quan el seu rostre
desapareix de la meva vista
però sé que mentre el
núvol està estirat dormint
els dos estem somiant els
mateixos somnis
Perque el núvol sempre
està a prop meu
dient-me on he d´anar.
Escolta les meves
històries .
Té aquell sentit de
que aparta les llàgrimes
de mi
Algun dia seré jo qui
els seus ulls tan bells.
Resaré perque arribi
aquella petita onada
I jo sé que el trobaré
al costat de les tremolors
abandonades darrere seu.
Perque ell és qui resa
perque arribin
totes i cadascuna
d´aquestes petites
to you my love, I'm closing my eyes.
You'll let go this cold, cold hand in time.
This chain around your neck must carry my stone.
So I can feel your heart beat against my own.
This veil will hide my voice from you and I'm
Not sure how I'll talk to you but
Know while you lie sleeping I'll be speaking my truths.
Be near me always, I don't know where I'll go but
I will tell you my stories.
On this ocean I'm rolling a wave away from you but
We will roll into each other some day.
For a ripple on the water I'll pray.
You will lose my face, even closing your eyes.
I have gone from skin to earth to tree against the sky.
The storms may harm our blossom.
We call for the sun.
And though the rain still pours, we know she'll come in
good time.
Oh silver lining you are hard to see,
When her face it fades away from me.
But I know while she lies sleeping
We are dreaming the same dreams.
For she is near me always telling me where to go.
She listens to my stories.
She has this funny notion that tears the tears from me but
I will dry her pretty eyes some day.
For a ripple on the water I'll pray.
And I know that I will find her by the tremors left
behind her,
For with each ripple on the water
She prays.
You'll let go this cold, cold hand in time.
This chain around your neck must carry my stone.
So I can feel your heart beat against my own.
This veil will hide my voice from you and I'm
Not sure how I'll talk to you but
Know while you lie sleeping I'll be speaking my truths.
Be near me always, I don't know where I'll go but
I will tell you my stories.
On this ocean I'm rolling a wave away from you but
We will roll into each other some day.
For a ripple on the water I'll pray.
You will lose my face, even closing your eyes.
I have gone from skin to earth to tree against the sky.
The storms may harm our blossom.
We call for the sun.
And though the rain still pours, we know she'll come in
good time.
Oh silver lining you are hard to see,
When her face it fades away from me.
But I know while she lies sleeping
We are dreaming the same dreams.
For she is near me always telling me where to go.
She listens to my stories.
She has this funny notion that tears the tears from me but
I will dry her pretty eyes some day.
For a ripple on the water I'll pray.
And I know that I will find her by the tremors left
behind her,
For with each ripple on the water
She prays.
Years from now, I hope we are still in each others lives